Thursday, May 30, 2013

Skateboarding Tee's

My newest Tees, perfect for the teen. or adult for that matter, who loves to do some skate boarding. 

skateboard tee shirts skateboard tee shirts skateboard lovers tee shirts skateboard tee shirts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

banned from zazzle forum i woke up and did my usual.  Check my emails and zazzle account.  THen I usually look into the forums and see whats happening.

Well, for some reason, all i got was a white screen, so i figured the forums were done.  So i waited, and then waited some more, and waited even more.

ok, this is not typical for zazzle to be down so long so i checked on twitter and found out the forums are fine and that i am probably banned.

BANNED!!!!!1  that cant be, i am always respectful,, but i dont usually post anyway, just read.   So im sure it was a mistake.  I decided to contact zazzle to find out what is going on.

Here are my corrospondance:

me: hi, i have not been able to access the forum. Someone mentioned that i might of been banned, but I dont feel that is it i do not cause any problems, so wondering if there is a problem on your end or mine?

zazzle: Hello
Thanks for contacting the support team at Please provide us with your IP address.
me:   thanks for looking into this.  my IP address is XXX.XX.XXX
zazzle:   Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
 me:  not sure what this means. "Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response."
you requested my IP address which i gave, and the responce i got back  was "Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response."
so im not sure what the response is in regards to my IP address.
zazzle: ,Thanks for contacting the support team at It looks as though your access to our forums has been restricted.
 me:  ok, but why?  it must of been in error. can this be fixed? 
 Zazzle:  Thanks for contacting the support team at
We have forwarded your request to be reinstated to your Forum Moderators. They will review your access, please know this may take up to 30 days. Please note that we will not receive a reply from the Forum Moderators. Thank you for your patience.
30 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  its just a matter of going into the computer and switching it.   I really do find this a little over the top.  It wouldnt be so bad, but i love reading the 'promote' forums as it helps me sell my products. 
Plus, there are affliates that post and say "post your blah blah blah and i will post it and try to sell it."  so the forums for me at zazzle are really important.    I cant believe it could take up to 30 days.
can you tell im a little pist off right now?
Plus, they dont tell you that your banned, they just dont give you access.   

Monday, May 27, 2013

so i decided to put some of my pattern doodles on some pillows. I know there pretty simple and doesnt even compare to some of the designers on zazzle, but i think they came out pretty cool. the pattern is on the front and on the back is solid black. I thought it looked better instead of the pattern on the whole thing.
little wobblies doodle square pattern pillows little wobblies doodle square pattern pillows